Saturday, September 28, 2013

30 Minutes Of Daily Workouts Can Help Lose Weight

There are plenty of various strategies and approaches to losing weight, but still it is hardly possible to find a more effective one than a simple combination of a low calorie diet and physical exercises. Using these two components of a weight loss program is a key to getting rid of extra kilos and improve own body shape. Being fit is a dream of many modern men and women, and it is very important to follow a healthy diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Both components are equally important. Though some experts believe that those women who are trying to lose weight should pay a little more attention to their daily diet and watch carefully what they eat, but those men who want to reduce their body mass should be more focused on doing regular exercises.

In anyway, most of those who are trying to lose weight are looking for an answer to the question, how long should their daily workouts last? Scientists are trying to give answer to this question, and according to the latest findings, it is recommended to have 30 minutes of moderate or intensive exercise is the best approach, and it can help achieve better results than regular 1 hour daily workouts. lose weightThose are the conclusions of an extended study conducted by a group of Danish researchers. They reported that the participants of the experiment who were asked to have shorter 30-minute daily workouts managed to demonstrate much better results and lose more weight comparing to those participants who were assigned to have a full 1-hour workout on a daily basis.

For the experiment, 60 healthy male participants were invited, all of them had extra weight and all were ready to go through some sessions of moderate daily workouts. The activities included cycling, jogging, cross training, and other similar activities. The experiment lasted for 13 weeks, and the results of the group involved in 30-minute moderate daily workouts were much better. The participants from this group managed to lose weight more effectively. It was quite surprising for the researchers, and they tried to find an answer to the question, why shorter workouts were linked to better results. After analyzing some additional information, the scientists came up with an interesting explanation.

“The subjects in the test group that exercised the least talk about increased energy levels and a higher motivation for exercising and pursuing a healthy everyday life,” said Dr Astrid Jespersen, one of the study leaders from Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim and the author of the report published earlier this month in the journal Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. In contrast to those, the participants from the group of 1-hour daily workouts reported feeling exhausted and depressed because they were assigned to lasting workouts. According to the report, the members of the 30-minute workout group managed to lose 7.9 lbs on average (for the period of 13 weeks), and those who exercised for 1 hour lost only 6 lbs on average. The scientists say that it is possible to break 30-minute daily workouts in 2-3 parts.

Author Info: Hi! My name is Carla and I am a 5th year medical student at HYMS. I am interested in alternative medicine and I have done months researching the topic of herbal medicine. Besides, I like interviewing people and learning more about their experiences with one or another type of herbal treatments. I am willing to contribute to this site with my knowledge, and I would be happy to help you out to the best of my ability with any specific questions or problems related to alternative medicine.